Our Endless Summer experience with Robert August continues…

The impeccable work of Mr. Robert August


Sometimes, if only just for a second, it’s easy to lose sight of what Robert August means to the lives of almost every surfer.

For almost two years now we’ve had the absolute pleasure of having Mr. August as the resident legend here at the Surf Camp. And in that time, just as he has for most of his life, Robert has inspired surfers of every ability level & from all over the world to add a bit of the ‘Endless Summer’ into their everyday lives.

Whether he’s meeting & greeting guests here at the camp, giving his weekly ‘history of surfing seminars’, shaping custom Robert August surfboards onsite in the shaping room, or simply just offering kind words of encouragement to surfers on the beach; Robert personifies what the search for the perfect wave is about for each and every one of us.

If you’ve had the opportunity to spend some time with Robert here in Costa Rica, you know firsthand just what a special encounter that can be. For those who haven’t, we recommend you jump on the opportunity to do so. It will add a level of love to your surfing you never thought possible.

Tamarindo perfectly embodies ‘Endless Summer’, and the upcoming “Secret Season” months of May and June are an ideal time to hang with Robert and score some epic surf. We continue to add new ways for our guests to interact with one of surfing’s greatest, and it’s our hope that your experience with Mr. August is every bit as meaningful and inspiring as ours has been.

Availability for the next few months is filling fast, so check out kayak.com for the best airfare deals, and give Shawna, Yorlenny & Liz a call or e-mail to make arrangements to come see us. We’ll se

Pura Vida!

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