How Do We Keep the Beaches of Tamarindo Clean?

Playa Tamarindo
~If you love it, keep it clean~


There are very few things quite as important to us here at Witch’s Rock Surf Camp as keeping the beaches of Tamarindo clean. We live and breathe the sand and ocean that we’ve come to call home here in Costa Rica, and our goal is to always leave the beaches we regularly enjoy better off than we found them.

In the grand scheme of things, our oceans and beaches really are in trouble. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that a Texas-sized island made up of garbage floating around in the pacific ocean isn’t healthy for anyone. And for anyone who regularly walks along any given stretch of beach almost anywhere in the world, it’s likely that there will be plenty of man-made pieces of material strewn about the sand that don’t belong there. In other words, our beaches and oceans simply don’t pass the eye-test when it comes to deciding whether or not we as humans are taking care of something we depend so heavily upon.

Those yellow dots represent large collections of garbage.

What to do?

While large organizations such as Surfrider Foundation continue their own work on the cause of keeping beaches clean & protected, there are many small and simple ways to do your part in this effort. One of our favorite methods is the Pick Up 3 rule developed by a group of surfers from Southern California. Their concept is simple- Every time you go to the beach, you make it a point to pick up at least three pieces of garbage. Yes, you can pick up more if you want, but the idea is that if everyone were to pick up three pieces of trash every time they went to the beach, our beaches would obviously be much cleaner. Not to mention we would all be much more aware of this issue and the importance of doing our part.

Here in Tamarindo…

Aside from continually working to keep the stretch of Playa Tamarindo in front of the surf camp clean and clear, we always look for new opportunities to expand our reach and do more than we’re currently doing.

The Goodies

One such opportunity that recently came about was a regular game of bingo that takes place every other Tuesday at Dona Lee’s Country Kitchen here in Tamarindo. Dona Lee and her husband Russell are longtime residents of the town and understand the importance of maintaining the breathtakingly beautiful stretches of beach that so many of us have come to know and love.

The proceeds from these bingo games are used to pay local residents to pick up trash and such all along Playa Tamarindo. The prizes for each of these games are donated by local businesses who want to contribute toward the cause.

We were recently presented the opportunity to offer up a donation and we happily jumped all over it. Dinner for two here at the Eat at Joe’s restaurant along with a t-shirt and stickers were offered up to be a prize for a lucky winner. More importantly, funds will be going toward a cause we care so much about.

We Can All Do More.

It’s crucial that all of us, no matter how much we’ve already done or given for this cause, realize that there is still so much more that needs to be done. And as long as all of us are using the beach for enjoyment or making its creatures part of our meal plans, that’s never going to change.

So whether it’s picking up 3 pieces of garbage the next time you go surfing, making donations to people or organizations who are actively working to keep the beaches clean, or simply just doing a better job of leaving the beach as you found it; let’s be sure we all look inside ourselves and find new ways to ensure future generations have oceans and beaches that are as healthy and vibrant as they should be.


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