International Surfing Day in Tamarindo, Costa Rica

I am in recovery. I sit here, alone, in the office at Witch’s Rock Surf Camp recovering.

You see, here in Tamarindo, we celebrated International Surfing Day yesterday. It was awesome! The morning started off pretty terrible with cold rain. I HATE cold rain. I left New York in part to avoid cold rain but some how it found me yesterday in the wee hours of the morning. Just as the guys from the Surfrider Foundation and I started thinking the day was going to be a wash, the Surf Gods smiled, the clouds parted and the sun came out, thus beginning a perfect beach day.

The Surfrider dudes organized informal surf contests throughout the day, starting with the kids and ending with the Masters (aka the Surfrider dudes). There was music, Maria manning the grill, cold beer and soda and the guys from maintenance found the old volleyball net. Rafa posted photos of all the surfing and beach activities yesterday.

After spending the day in the sun, it was decided it was absolutely necessary for me to represent WRSC and attend the Waterman’s Ball last night. I know what you all are thinking and it is true: I have an extremely difficult job. Anyway, I got all dressed up, bid on some items at the silent auction (didn’t win anything), had a few drinks (maybe more than a few) and celebrated the reasons I came to Tamarindo (the awesome surf) and the reasons I stayed in Tamarindo (the awesome people).

And that brings me to sitting here in the office recovering, listening to Camera Obscura (the band not the Nico album). It turns out that spending the day out in the sun can result in sunburn and sometimes too much party… well, you know. But hey, International Surfing Day only happens once a year.

P.S. Happy Father’s Day


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