Costa Rica Surf Calendar

For us, surfing is a year-round gig. No matter what season, Costa Rica provides mild weather and mind-blowing swells. We’d love for you to live here with us permanently, but since that probably isn’t going to happen (yet,) we’ve put together a surf calendar to help you decide the best time to visit. Just remember, no matter when you travel, WRSC provides a safe, family-friendly atmosphere where you can learn to surf, explore the sights, relax and recharge. We can’t wait to see you, so let’s pick a date!

January/February – Expect sunny skies and temperatures in the 90s. No chance of rain during this time of year. When it comes to waves, this is the time for small to medium-sized southerly swells, and medium to large-sized northerly swells. When a good swell comes, it is generally met with offshore breezes that will perfectly groom the oncoming surf. A few times a month, a solid swell from the North Pacific will send world class waves lighting up the beaches of Tamarindo. Time your trip right, and you could get a nice mix of south/north combo swell with perfect conditions. Waves are generally in the waist to head range with bigger surf at the exposures.

March – Sunny skies and temperatures in the 90s with zero chance of rain. We are starting to receive some bigger southerly swells as well as some late season northerly swells. March is a great time to come because the weather and wind conditions are perfect. Lot’s of world-class surf to be had this month. Waves are generally in the waist to head range with bigger surf at the exposures.

April – Expect mostly sunny skies with passing clouds and temperatures in the 90s. Only a very small chance of rain during this time of year. Wave-wise, the southern hemisphere has really started its engine and you can expect very consistent surf in the chest to overhead range. No worries for beginners in Tamarindo though, we have an island right offshore that faces slightly north so those big south swells are much smaller for the beginners out front. Winds this time of year are generally offshore in the mornings, onshore for lunch, and a glass-off for sunset. All day offshore winds are still not out of the question though, in April.

May – Costa Rica is transitioning from the dry season to the green season. On most days, you can expect blue skies in the morning with the chance of a tropical downpour in the afternoon. No worries though, air temps are still in the 90s so the afternoon rain is generally welcome. Wave-wise, the southern hemisphere is turned on and cranking out swells very often in the chest to overhead range. Still no worries for beginners in Tamarindo though. May is a great time to come visit because we have consistent waves and generally not too many people in the water.

June – Costa Rica is in the green season and you can expect lush green surroundings. Nice blue skies in the morning with the chance of a tropical downpour in the afternoon. The temp is still in the 90s and the southern hemisphere continues to pop with chest to overhead swells and plenty of smaller waves out front for beginners. Still a great time to visit as tourism is low and waves are consistent.

July – Costa Rica enters its Veranillo (mini-summer) month. The rain takes a break and you can expect plenty of days with blue skies and temps in the 90s. We are also known to get all-day offshore winds this time of year. More advanced surfers will still enjoy chest to overhead swells, while beginners can still catch smaller waves out front. July is one of the best times to come down to Costa Rica for lush green surroundings, very consistent swells from the southern hemisphere, lots of days with offshore winds, and sunny skies.

August – Costa Rica is still experiencing its Veranillo. Toward the beginning of the month, the rainy season takes a break and you can expect plenty of blue skies and temps in the 90s. The offshore winds continue to kick, the swells are still in the chest to overhead range with plenty of smaller waves for beginners. Continue to enjoy consistent southern swells, green landscapes, and sunny skies through August.

September – Costa Rica is transitioning back into the rainy season. But here in Guanacaste, the rainy season isn’t really that bad. Generally, we have blue skies in the morning and then showers will start off and on around lunchtime. Some days are sunnier than others. Check out this blog to find out, How rainy is rainy season? Wave-wise, we are still getting plenty of south swell with wave heights in the chest to overhead range with bigger surf at the southerly exposures. Beginners can still find plenty of small swell this time of year too. The winds are generally light offshore in the morning and then come onshore by 11am. However, an afternoon shower can suddenly clock the winds back around offshore and you can score a surprise session with very few people in the water.

October – Costa Rica is in the rainy season. Still, expect blue skies in the morning with sporadic showers beginning around noon. High swells and big surf still coming from the south with enough small waves for beginners. Light offshore winds make landfall around 11a with the possibility of an almost-empty ocean session if the winds clock back from an afternoon shower.

November – Costa Rica is transitioning back into the dry season. During the beginning of the month, you can expect some residual afternoon showers from the rainy season. Towards the end of the month, look for mostly blue skies with the all-day offshore winds starting to come back. Temps still hovering in the 90s. Wave wise, the South Pacific is still producing medium-sized pulses while the North Pacific starts its engine with north swells. Time your trip right, and you could get super fun combo swell with good weather/wind conditions. Surf is generally in the waist to head range. November is a beautiful time to visit with lush green surroundings and mostly sunny skies.

December – Costa Rica completes it’s transition to the dry season and you can expect all day sunny skies, temps in the 90s, and predominantly offshore winds. Wave-wise, we are still receiving medium sized pulses from the southern hemisphere as the northern hemisphere begins producing regular solid swells. When these swells hit at the same time, you can expect fun, peaky waves in the waist to overhead range with bigger surf at the better exposures. The offshore winds make the waves perfect so you are sure to score some world-class waves.

Pretty rad conditions all year, right? Stop wishing and start BOOKING! You’re sure to have a swell time, no matter the season!


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